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Main publications

International collaboration


(1) Collaboration with Universitá di Roma I, II and INFN (Italy) (the DAMA group):

(1.01) search for 106Cd 2β decays by using a thin 106Cd foil between two NaI(Tl) (Gran Sasso UL) [1(1999)];
(1.02) studies of 2β processes in 40Ca, 46Ca (Gran Sasso UL) [5(1999)];
(1.03) experiments with NaI and liquid Xe detectors to search for processes related with the electron instabilities (Gran Sasso UL) [2(1999), 3(1999), 4(1999), 1(2000)];
(1.04) search for nucleon, di-nucleon and tri-nucleon decays into invisible channels (Gran Sasso UL) [3(2000), 6(2006)];
(1.05) experiments with CaF2(Eu) detectors to study β and 2β decays in 48Ca [5(2002)];
(1.06) search for 2β processes in 136Ce, 138Ce and α decay of 142Ce with CeF3 [8(2003)] and CeCl3 [6(2011)] detectors;
(1.07) search for cluster decays of 127I [9(2005)] and La isotopes [10(2005)];
(1.08) search for CNC β decay of 136Xe [7 (2002)];
(1.09) search for CNC β decay of 139La [5 (2006)];
(1.10) first observation of α decay of 151Eu [1(2007)];
(1.11) measurement of β decay of 113Cd with high accuracy [2(2007)];
(1.12) study of intrinsic radioactivity of Li6Eu(BO3)3 crystal and search for α decays of Eu [3(2007)];
(1.13) search for 2β processes in 64Zn, 70Zn, 180W and 186W with the help of ZnWO4 crystal scintillators [1(2008), 2(2009), 5(2011)];
(1.14) search for 7Li solar axions [6(2008), 3(2012)];
(1.15) search for double-β decay processes in 108Cd and 114Cd with the help of the low-background CdWO4 crystal scintillator [7(2008)];
(1.16) search for double-β decays of 96Ru and 104Ru by ultra-low background HPGe γ spectrometry [29(2011), 13(2010), 04 (2013)];
(1.17) study of intrinsic radiopurity of Li2MoO4 [9(2009)] and ZnWO4 [13(2011)] crystal scintillators;
(1.18) new observation of 2ν2β decay of 100Mo to the 0+1 level of 100Ru in the ARMONIA experiment [3(2010)];
(1.19) search for double β processes in 106Cd [28(2011), 4(2012)] with the help of enriched 106CdWO4 crystal scintillators [6(2011)] (the experiment is in progress);
(1.20) first observation of α decay of 190Pt to the first excited level (Eexc = 137 keV) of 186Os [4(2011)];
(1.21) first search for double-β processes in dysprosium [7(2011)] and platinum [8(2011)] by ultra-low background HPGe γ spectrometry;
(1.22) search for double β decay of 116Cd (in progress) with the help of enriched 116CdWO4 crystal scintillators [10(2011)].
(1.23) study of intrinsic radioactivity of SrI2(Eu) [5(2012)] and 7LiI(Eu) [1(2013)] crystal scintillators, search for double β decay of 84Sr by using SrI2(Eu) crystal [5(2012)];
(1.24) search for double-β decays of 184,192Os and alpha decay of 184,186Os by ultra-low background HPGe γ spectrometry [3(2013)] (the experiment is in progress)
(1.25) anisotropic detector based on ZnWO4 crstal scintillators is proposed to measure the directionality of Dark Matter [2(2013)]

(2) BOREXINO and SOX experiments (Italy, USA, Canada, France, Germany, Russia, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine). The main goal of the experiment is detection of sub-MeV solar neutrinos in real time [1(2011), 8(2012)]. Besides, collaboration:

(2.01) observed geo-neutrino [2(2010)];
(2.02) realized search for nucleon and di-nucleon instabilities [5(2003)];
(2.03) searched for violation of Pauli exclusion principle [3(2004)];
(2.04) carried out investigation of neutrino properties [6(2003), 7(2003)];
(2.05) investigated production of cosmogenic 11C in an organic liquid scintillator [3(2006), 30(2011)];
(2.06) searched for antineutrino component in the Solar and other unknown anti-neutrino fluxes [4(2006), 2(2011)].
(2.07) searched for day-night asymmetry in the 7Be solar neutrino rate [1(2012)].
(2.08) search for solar axions [7(2012)];
(2.09) measurement of muon neutrino speed [8(2012)];

(3) SuperNEMO Collaboration: participation in research and development of large scale experiment to search for double β decay of 82Se (event generator, development of scintillation calorimeter) [8(2006), 10(2006), 11(2007), 14(2007), 9(2008), 11(2008), 12(2008), 8(2009), 14(2009), 17(2009), 18(2009), 7(2010), 12(2010), 15(2010), 17(2010), 11(2011), 19(2011), 20(2011), 22(2011), 24(2011)].

(4) Participation in the AMoRE project of high sensitivity search for neutrino-less double beta decay of 100Mo with the help of CaMoO4 crystal scintillators [4(2008), 10(2010), 3(2011)].

(5) Collaboration with the Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Geel, Belgium) to search for rare nuclear decays [11(2012)].

(6) CROSS (Cryogenic Rare-event Observatory with Surface Sensitivity) collaboration. The project aims at developing and testing a new bolometric technology to be applied to future large-scale experiments searching for neutrinoless double-beta decay of the promising nuclei 100Mo and 130Te.

(7) CUPID collaboration. The project CUPID is an upgrade of the CUORE experiment, aiming at searching for neutrinoless double beta decay of 100Mo with Li2MoO4 scintillating crystals enriched in 100Mo.


(2012-2014) Associated partnership in the ISOTTA project (ISOTope Trace Analysis) of the ASPERA.

(1998-2012) Collaboration with the Universitá di Firenze and INFN (Italy):

(1) Since 1998, the physicists from Universitá di Firenze and INFN (Italy) take part in the experiment with 116CdWO4 detector in the Solotvina UL [3(1998), 2(2000), 2(2003), 3(2003), 4(2003), 2(2006)];
(2) Investigations of scintillation detectors were carried out: CdWO4 2(2006), PbWO4 3(2008);
(3) Study of CdWO4 scintillators response to low energy electrons and few MeV ions 9(2012).

(1990-1999, 2009-2011) NEMO Collaboration (France, Ukraine, Russia, USA, Finland, Czech Republic): development of the NEMO set-up [5(1992)], measurements of 2β2ν decays of 82Se [4(1998)], 94Zr [6(1999)], 96Zr [6(1999)], 100Mo [7(1995)] and 116Cd [6(1995), 10(1996)] with the NEMO-2 set-up (Frejus UL); measurement of the background in the NEMO 3 double beta decay experiment [12(2011)].

(1994) Collaboration with the Osaka University (Japan): observation of 116Cd 2β2ν decay with the ELEGANTS-V set-up (Kamioka UL) [4(1994), 9(1995)];

(1993-1994, 2000-2001, 2010) Collaboration with the Milano University and INFN (Italy):

(6.01) testing a small (58 g) CdWO4 crystal as a bolometer at ~20 mK, and measurements of 4th forbidden β decay of 113Cd (Gran Sasso UL, 340 h) [3(1993), 2(1994)];
(6.02) participation of the Italian physicists in the CAMEO project [4(2000), 1(2001)];
(6.03) study of Li2MoO4 [5(2010)] and ZnMoO4 [9(2010)] crystals as cryogenic scintillating bolometers to search for double beta decay of molybdenum.

(1996-1999) Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik (Heidelberg, Germany):

(4.1) search for 106Cd 2β decay (Gran Sasso UL) [9(1996)];
(4.2) proposal for solar neutrino detector on the base of 131Xe [3(1997)];
(4.3) participation in the GENIUS project (new generation detector for 2β0ν decay search with sensitivity to the neutrino mass on the level of 0.01-0.001 eV): development of the shielding [6(1998), 13(1999)] and calculation of backgrounds [13(1999)];

(2002) XMASS Collaboration: development of a massive liquid Xe detector for solar neutrinos, 2β decay and dark matter investigation [12(2002), 13(2002), 14(2002)];

(2005-2007) LENS Collaboration: search for 115In CNC β decay and the first observation of β decay 115In → 115Sn* [4(2005), 9(2007)];

(2002-2020) Collaboration with the JINR (Dubna) to search for CNC β decay of 73Ge [3(2002)] (in collaboration with the INR (Moscow)); CARVEL experiment [2(2005)]; investigation of properties of CaWO4 [5(2005)] and PbWO4 scintillators [1(2006)]; participation in the TGV2 experiment [7(2006), 9(2006)], search for double β processes in 106Cd [28(2011), 4(2012)] with the help of enriched 106CdWO4 crystal scintillators [6(2011), 2(2014), 6(2015), 31(2015), to be published as TAUP-2015 proceedings, submitted to Phys. Rev. C] (the experiment is in progress).

(2009-2014) Participation in the EURECA project for development of crystal scintillators for massive (ton) cryogenic detector to search for dark matter [6(2009), 10(2009), 8(2010), 19(2010), 13(2011), 23(2011), 3(2014)].

(2010-2012) Collaboration with the Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry (Novosibirsk, Russia) to develop enriched crystal scintillators to search for double decay of 106Cd [6(2010)], 116Cd [10(2011)] and 100Mo [2(2012), 9(2012)].

(2011-2018) Collaboration with the ITEP (Moscow, Russia) to search for double decay of 116Cd with the help of enriched 116CdWO4 crystal scintillators [10(2011); 25(2011)].

(2012-2020) Collaboration with the Centre de Spectrometrie Nucleaire et de Spectrometrie de Masse (CSNSM, Orsay, France) to search for double decay of 100Mo with the help of ZnMoO4 scintillating bolometers (in the frame of the LUMINEU project) [2(2012), 6(2012), 9(2012)].

(2012-2018) DarkSide collaboration to search for dark matter [arXiv:1204.6218v1 [astro-ph.IM]] (the proposal for the DarkSide experiment can be found here).

Last updated May 27th, 2021

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